Tigi Solar

Protea in the Village


Protea in the Village 96 m2 collector array, heat pump and storage. A hot water system for a retirement home addresses the needs of elderly care facilities. The system provides consistent hot water for personal care, and heating of a therapeutic swimming pool ensuring comfort and hygiene for residents. This application highlights the importance of […]



SAP Integrated hot water solution for employee wellness and kitchen facilities. The system features 16 m² solar thermal collectors combined with a heat pump, providing water at 70°C. This hybrid setup ensures a consistent hot water supply for the gym, promoting employee well-being and supporting kitchen operations with daily facility needs. The compact design showcases […]

Kibbutz Yizre’el

TIGI solar thermal collectors

Emek Israel Kibbutz Two systems – A water heating system for kitchens and industrial laundry. The kitchen uses 83°C water for dishwashing, ensuring high hygiene standards, and a second separate system for industrial laundry. More Case Studies

Aleh Negev Hospital

TIGI solar thermal collectors

Aleh Negev Hospital Five buildings, each equipped with solar thermal collectors, heat pumps, and storage tanks supplying hot water for the entire hospital. More Case Studies

Halperin Retirement Home in Ashkelon

TIGI's heat pump

Halperin Retirement Home in Ashkelon A water heating system (60°C+) with thermal solar collector array and heat pumps for showers and kitchens. More Case Studies

Goldein Care nursing home

TIGI's solar thermal collectors

Goldein Care nursing home A water heating system for all nursing departments, including thermal solar collectors, three heat pumps for showers, and heat pumps for a therapeutic pool. More Case Studies

IWI Factory

TIGI's heat pumps

IWI Factory A water heating system with 350 kW heat pumps and 20 m³ tanks for 250 employees’ showers. More Case Studies

Commercial showers, government building, Israel

TIGI's thermal collectors

Commercial showers, government building, Israel A water heating system for three residence buildings, each housing 300 personnel, Includes four large heat pumps and four heating tanks of 6 m³ each. More Case Studies

Off Hagalil

Off Hagalil Absorption heat pump for biomass CHP Klagenfurt East Providing heat in a climate-friendly way Klagenfurt’s district heating network, with a pipeline length of around 165 km, is operated by Energie Klagenfurt GmbH and supplies around 27,000 connected customers.  At our reference project in Klagenfurt, Austria, we use 8 MW from the exhaust gas […]